Case Study:  
Branding Nationwide HIV/Sexual Health Survey
Male Call Canada
Dala Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto

The Challenge

To encourage Canadian men who have sex with men to call a phone line and spend up to 45 minutes answering questions about lifestyle, attitudes and safe sex practices..  

The Process

Duegood assembled a team of social media, and public relations professionals to deliver a 4-month recruitment campaign for Male Call Canada. Through focus groups we developed the tagline “Let’s Talk.”

We used traditional media advertising to increase our reach to remote and marginalized groups.

We also secured a spokesperson, a recently-out professional soccer player, to endorse the Male Call survey generating coverage on Global News, CTV and The Score among other media which further increased survey participation.

The Outcome

Men in every province and territory participated, from communities of all sizes – major urban, urban and rural. A Facebook page and quiz increased the reach further earning 1,200 Likes in a short period. Daily Facebook newsfeed posts also created discussions among an engaged group.

According to Facebook stats the page outperformed other leading brands in terms of reach and activity.

Post survey key findings were distilled into Fact Sheets for public distribution. A Technical Report followed outlining the survey process and detailed findings.